Paper 1 mock exam learner response

1) Type up any feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW: This is a strong exam with marks picked up consistently throughout. The challenge now is pushing into the top level of the mark scheme. 

EBI: -Q4: 20 mark evaluation of theory question is one to practice for the summer
-Revise terminology: missing out on a few marks at the start of section B
-Question focus: e.g. genre theory in Q1

Now read through the genuine AQA mark scheme. This is vital as the paper was an official exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce.

2) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:

Example: Q1: 4/8 marks
Additional points: didn't mention enough about genre theory e.g. Neale repetition and difference. Could have added more about use of Daniel Craig (star) and James Bond (character) alongside references to spy/action genre. Could discuss Bond as its own genre due to longevity of franchise and the appeal of this to the watch company.

Additional points: Could have mentioned more on Omega watches and how it connotes seductive ideas around masculinity, tradition and status. This is especially powerful when considered in conjunction with the idea that modern masculinity is somehow in crisis, eg with the emergence of the #metoo and #timesup movements, and perhaps serves to reassure audiences. Also could have talked about direct mode of address with Bond looking sternly at the audience, perhaps inviting them along with him on his next mission.

For Score, I could have added that it was published at the height of the Second Wave of Feminism and
can be read as a parodic ‘what if’ in relation to the political demands of the Women’s Liberation Movement.

Additional points: I didn't talk as much on positive stereotypes and I could he mentioned points such as how the young men portrayed are engaging in a form of social activism by creating a political commentary and bringing it to mainstream 80s audiences – demonstrating a heightened sense of social conscience.

Additional points: In relation to Score, the man provides a focus for a number of oppositions: male-female, masculine-feminine, clothed-unclothed, dominant-dependent, top-bottom. The setting extends this a little by emphasising the natural-artificial, civilised-wild, controlled-uncontrolled.
In relation to Sephora, the film itself offers colour-monochrome, moving image-still image, sound-silence, new stock-archive, past-present.

Additional points: Answers were B,C,F

Additional points: I didn't mention that it was done by fans and I also didn't mention any examples such as memes etc. 

Additional points: I did not talk about how the campaign made constant reference to Bruce Springsteen (a well-established international and highly successful music star) and Bend it Like Beckham, the director Gurinder Chadha’s previous smash hit film which made a huge international impact. This is an obvious attempt at minimising risk in order to maximise profit (Hesmondhalgh).

Additional points: Newsbeat was originally created to adhere to the BBC’s (rather patrician) ethos that a public service broadcaster has a responsibility to provide a ‘high-quality’ and ‘trustworthy’ news service to all sections of society. The content is now ‘simulcast’ (as a result of budget cuts) to niche audiences listening on Radio 1Xtra and BBC Asian network as well as Radio 1.

WOTW, There was clearly an audience expectation: people who listened to radio at the time arguably expected to be entertained or informed by content and placed trust in the producers to provide programming for a specific purpose which adhered to certain standards and conventions.

3) Look at Question 4 - a 20-mark essay evaluating Levi-Strauss's binary opposition theory. Write an essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 3-4 well-developed paragraphs plus an introduction answering the question planned in some detail.

Intro: Answer question.

Para 1: WOTW- unclear target audience and whether it was trying to get the extreme reaction it did.

Para 2: Newsbeat Ofcom remit, 15-29yos.
BBC has to reach all audiences to justify license fee.
Reflect diversity of UK, they do this by having younger presenters, regional accents, select stories to interact.

Para 3: Newsbeat- successful?
Not successful, median listener age is 32+.
Successful, 16m YT views a month, Instagram, TikTok, BBC sounds.

Conclusion: Summarise argument + answer question.

4) Based on the whole of your Paper 1 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your summer exam Media revision timetable.

-Levi-Strauss' binary opposition
-Jenkins and textual poaching, key words
-Regulation and theorists
-Context questions


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